Entity Structures
You’ll need to make when you start a business is to determine the correct legal structure for your company.

Sole Trader
A sole trader is the simplest form of business structure and is easy to establish. We’ll talk through your options to determine if this is the most effective structure for you.
A partnership is a business structure involving 2 or more people where income and losses are shared. Patnerships are goverened by laws in the appropriate state or territory. Is this the right structure for you? Let’s talk through your options.
A trust is a more complex business structure that is used to protect business assets for beneficiaries. Trusts can be expensive to set up and to operate, so let’s talk to see if this is the right structure for you.
A company is a separate legal entity to you, unlike a sole trader or partnership structure. As a company director you have legal obligations that you need to be aware of. We’ll gp through the details with you to make sure this is the right structure for your business.
Each entity structure has its own pros and cons regarding:


Tax Planning

Asset Protection

Personal Liability
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312 Colburn Avenue
Victoria Point Qld 4165